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Summer Garden Tour – Our 2nd Year of Growing Food

We’ve done a lot of work in the garden this year – from Hügelkultur raised beds to dig vs. no-dig potatoes and a huge expansion to add space for growing corn, sweet potatoes, asparagus and a whole host of squash and pumpkin.

Join us on a bright and sunny morning in the interior of central Portugal (growing zone 10a) for a look at what’s growing well, what’s growing less well and what’s taking over the garden!

And thank you to one of our lovely club members, Ana, for providing the following translation of the conversation with our neighbour:

Me: Good morning, how are you?

Neighbour: We’re getting there, what about you?

Me: would you like more courgette’s?

Neighbour: Enough, there are only Two of us

Me: More? Would you like more?

Neighbour: No thank you, we’re only two and we don’t eat that much, but thank you anyway… Neighbour: [talking about the potato harvest] They are very small, last year they were big, this year they are tiny. But my friend, it’s all there is round here, and that’s the best we can get. That’s it. Thank You!

I guess they’re not a fan of courgettes! 🤦‍♂️

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Yarn Projects (crochet/knitting)

Knitting Needles

I've only just started knitting again and have had to upgrade from my original Symfonie needles (they tend to snap quite easily). I have a set of stainless steel needles from ChiaoGoo and also an ebony set from Lantern Moon.

I like both! The stainless steel was a little hard to get used to but yarn really glides on them. I like the look and feel of the Lantern Moon set too, but unfortunately they don't come in all the sizes I tend to use so I now end up switching between the two sets.

Crochet Hooks

I've tried loads of different single hooks to find the 'perfect' hook. I finally found what I was looking for in the Clover soft touch range. The hook glides well and the thumb rest is really comfortable. Unfortunately they don't seem to be available in a set, so I have a jar full of all the sizes I like to use.

Tunisian Crochet Hooks

My favourites are these from Lantern Moon, they're super comfortable and glide really well, and the best bit is that they swivel. They are also compatible with the KnitPro Symfonie hooks (these seem less sturdy but also glide well).

I also have a set from ChiaoGoo made from bamboo. These are very lightweight but I find that they can snag on some yarns (a nail file often helps to make the hook head better).


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