Some time ago we installed a flushing toilet – a most welcome addition to our renovation project in Portugal (since we’d not had a conventionally working toilet for over two years). But, when we installed that toilet we knew the plumbing was temporary and we’d have to come back to redo it – and plumb hot and cold feeds for a sink and bidet hose (aka bum gun).
Today we’re back on the renovation project and going to attempt to install all the plumbing in our downstairs cloakroom. This will involve finding some way of attaching all the pipework to the stone walls, concealing it and making sure every appliance is isolated and everything that needs to be accessible is accessible.
We’ll be plumbing using multicamada – or multilayer – pipe which is a type of pex using 20mm for the main feed and 16mm for all the individual appliances.
Will it all go surprisingly smoothly or will we have to deal with a bunch of issues and leaks. Let’s find out!
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